Christmas presents for postcard lovers

Have you already sent out presents or cards for your Postcrossing friends? Have you made a wish list with the presents you would like to receive?

Well, I have wish lists in Amazon and Bookdepository, of course those lists are mainly about postcardsNaeratus.

I’m on the search of new and interesting cards all the time, because my town only has tourist postcards.

I will show you some interesting finds from Etsy mostly and if you haven’t bought the presents yet, maybe you can find something for your friends or for yourself.

Perfect Christmas cards to send out for your friends and family:

Picnik collage11. PostCarden 2. sandragrafik 3. rosydesignsonline  

Some of you may know that I’m a big fan of map cards and here are my new favorites.

maps_thumb91. Jigsaw puzzle 2. Traveller postcard 3. Your Map 4. Stitching Postcard

Simple and elegant, not the usual kind of postcards I’d say.


1. Secret Beauty 2. CarolineRoseArt  3. PinkPetals  4. sonstnochwas

Something for animal, Alice in the Wonderland or just cute card lovers.

loom1. rosydesignsonline 2. sandragrafik 3. exenia 4. BeatUpCreations

Really love color and the design of these cards.

Picnik collage1. honeytree 2. jojolarue 3. ChavashGarden 4. alifethroughthelens

Let me know what do you think about these cards!

Tomorrow I will show you some more of my favorites.

*Between the comments left on this post, I will choose some, to send a surprise card.


  1. I love the apple with the heart in it!!!

  2. These are cool! I even visited the online shops you suggested! :)


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