Non-tourist postcards #1

As I told in this post I’m on a search for non-tourist postcards. So I have been looking through different online webpages to find something interesting.

Firstly I started with Amazon, so far I haven’t ordered anything from there, but maybe Santa will surprise me Silmapilgutusega naeratus

Here are some cards/books I have on my wish list.


The Art of Pixar – 100 cards from different Pixar movies


Waves Postcard Book – 30 postcards about waves. I love beach!

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Old-Fashioned Christmas Cards – won’t be sending them out this Christmas, but maybe the next one Naeratus They look really cute!

There are more books/cards on my wish list, but these are the ones I would really like to own.

Then there’s BookDepository. What I really love about them, is the free shipping! There is also a possibility to get a notice when the prices of your favorite products trop, so you can get a better deal!

I ordered Earthsong Postcards: Photographs by Bernhard Edmaier and I’m really happy with the cards received! 50 amazing photographs from all over the world.

scan0068*For a closer look to the cards click here!

Here you can see my BookDepository wish list.

Where do you get your non-tourist postcards? Have you ordered postcards from online? What shops do you use?


  1. Hi Ave,

    I must say that I'm more fond of "tourist" postcards... But I'm reading more and more profiles of people who don't like them. So I was also thinking of buying such kind of cards. But I never ordered postcards online(so I can't advise you :D). Maybe I gonna try one of the ones you mentioned!


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